Everything Will Not Be Fine
SKU: BVL118361
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The frankest of films from within a shelter for homeless women. Their stories usually combine domestic violence or acrimonious divorce, with mental fragility. Sonja is trying to make contact with her estranged children. Rula, is unsuccessfully trying to build a home with a new husband. This doc offers a unique window into their world. An evocative reminder of the fragility of human existence, and the value of a stable psyche.
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The Miriam Home (02:00)
Two women talk with a volunteer cook who lived in the shelter nine years ago.
Meet Daniela (02:42)
A mother of two, ages 15 and 12, tells her counselor that the kids are with their father and she has not seen them in two years. She shares her last letter.
Meet Svetlana (03:32)
Svetlana discusses her sleep issues, birthplace, rough home life, and masculine job as a construction metal worker. Daniela says she always wanted to be a make-up artist.
Meet Johanna (02:35)
Johanna's husband began beating her after they married, causing her to lose a baby. She got pregnant with her son, but the marriage got worse. Her ex did not leave her alone until three years after their divorce. In 2008 she was diagnosed as borderline and now relies on medication.
Social Worker Visits Rula (02:20)
Rula remembers being in Miriam House 10 years earlier; she had hoped to get a good job and regain custody of her children. She never did and has since remarried and has a small son.
Miriam Day (04:36)
Previous residents come for a visit and tour to see how the house has changed and speak to current residents about how it feels to come back. A voice speaks of feeling complete hopelessness and lack of desire to live.
Agreeing to House Duties (02:08)
Rula and Svetlana sit in the courtyard and talk about Heath Ledger's death and his role in "The Dark Knight." At night, the women are gathered to discuss chore assignments. One woman agrees to cook if someone will tell her if her cooking is alright.
Creative at Work (01:46)
The women's theatre group is welcomed. In this act with two women, one talks about having to leave home because her mother threw her out.
Rula is Abandoned (02:13)
Rula calls Claudia for help after learning her husband has left her and gone back to Algeria. She does not know what to do about the bills and has received an eviction notice.
Seeking Financial Aid (01:22)
Rula has a power bill that needs to be paid and rent is due. She says her husband isn't well; he tells her to come to Algeria. She is living on maternity pay and child allowance.
Voices in Svetlana's Head (02:42)
The social worker is concerned with rumors of racism and arguing in the shelter. Svetlana is falling asleep on the stairs with cigarettes in her mouth. She believes voices that tell her all the environmental catastrophes around the world are her fault.
Tree Hugging (02:01)
Women are instructed to select a favorite tree that they can come and visit when they feel the need.
Daniela's Downward Spiral (03:19)
Daniela has learned that her children do not want to see her. She tells the social worker that when she was living with her family and mother-in-law, they stopped talking to her. She felt alienated and began staying away.
Rula's Phone Call (01:37)
Rula tries unsuccessfully to contact her husband. She is told he isn't well and does not want to speak to her.
Theatre Rehearsal (02:06)
Women wait anxiously for their turn to perform. A coach wants to know if they will be able to learn their lines.
Team Meeting (02:52)
Daniela worries that her son is attending plumbing school against his wishes; he is only a few blocks away. Women talk about conflict in the house. Hear about Daniela's obsession for oranges at Christmas.
Svetlana's Suicide Attempt (01:57)
In the stairwell smoking, Svetlana talks with Daniela and others about religion. She left the church and became an atheist because God abandoned her to the devil. Her medicine makes the voices go away.
Christmas Celebration (03:01)
Svetlana seems mesmerized at a musical doll. Women and children are welcomed to the Catholic and Christian celebration. One woman reads from the Koran.
Rula at a Crossroad (02:18)
Rula and Claudia talk about the danger of her going to be with her husband in Algeria. She has already had her children taken by a previous husband.
Winter Hike (02:40)
Women hike together. Upon reaching a mountain top they let out a collective howl. Each makes a wish on a stone.
Blocking Child Abduction (02:26)
Claudia instructs Rula on going to court and requesting sole custody of her son and a temporary injunction to prevent her husband from taking their son to Algeria. Rula is concerned she will lose Raduan like she lost her other children.
Svetlana's World (01:43)
In the courtyard, Svetlana talks about the things she likes and working construction.
Applying for Welfare (01:32)
Rula fills out forms and asks for her case to be considered immediately. She tells a law officer that she is worried about her husband and she is given a number to call in an emergency.
Loss of Personal Belongings (02:17)
Svetlana tells Daniela about the new book she is reading. They discuss Daniela's inability to get her personal belongings back after an eviction. They will be auctioned off.
Johanna's Medication Needs (01:16)
Johanna requests drugs for her nervous breakdown. She feels overwhelming emotional pain when women at the shelter talk about her.
Rula's Mother Arrives (01:31)
Rula greets her mother at the airport. She is sad that her mother has come at such an unhappy time.
Criteria for Municipal Apartment (02:09)
Svetlana tells her social worker that the Austrians get mad at the foreigners for getting all the municipal apartments. The social worker explains the guidelines for getting an apartment.
Daniela Recovers Personal Belongings (03:27)
Daniela becomes emotional when talking about the sentimental items she has found. She is overwhelmed at the sight of her children's photos.
Rula's Choice (01:26)
Claudia meets with Rula's mother who hopes Rula will come back home with her.
Time in the Courtyard (02:38)
Svetlana tells how she lost her tooth as a child. She and others enjoy some dessert and talk about an abusive wife that one of them knows. Johanna is playfully doused with water from a planter.
Rula: Home With Her Mother (02:44)
Rula's father and mother offer her advice about the sacrifices she should make to save her marriage.
No Hope for Happiness (02:00)
Daniela is asked to select magazines pictures for a collage of her life and she can't help choosing ones that represent her past and make her sad. Back in her room, she sits and rocks while looking at her pile of boxes.
More Advice for Rula (03:13)
Rula's uncle insists that she should not be concerned that her husband will take her child just because it has happened to her before. He says she must go back to him or move to Syria with her family to get help raising her son.
Johanna's New Relationships (02:21)
Svetlana enjoys touching a blooming water lily. Johanna talks about her new boyfriend. She jokes that he keeps her up at night.
Rula's Decision (01:44)
Rula holds back tears while writing a letter telling her husband that she will devote her life to him and Raduan.
Performance Time (02:53)
Svetlana, Daniela, Rula, and others attend skits performed by previous residents of the Mirium House.
Post Filming Updates (03:51)
Rula is getting a divorce and attending school. Daniela is reaching out to her children in a letter. Johanna can visit her children 3 times a week. Svetlana moved to assisted living.
Credits: Everything Will Not Be Fine (03:18)
Credits: Everything Will Not Be Fine
Length: 50 min
Copyright Date: 2016
Everything Will Not Be Fine
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