Zoom Kibera Kids: Early Life

Kibera Kids: Early Life

SKU: 215188

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The Series Includes : The Mayor's Dream: Early Life | Kibera Kids: Early Life | My First Day at School: Early Life

Kibera is the biggest slum in sub-Saharan Africa. Even before children get to school, they must run a gauntlet of crazy and even violent streets. Scientists warn that too much stress can change the architecture of young brains permanently. Insufficient stimulation also can be a problem - scientists have discovered how important interaction is for child development. The adults of Kibera are working hard to offer kids safe and stimulating preschools, but preschool brings dilemmas too. Should they reflect traditional African social values, or the West’s more individualistic outlook? What of the children receiving no stimulation at all?


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Introduction: Kibera Kids: Early Life (01:36)
Located in Nairobi, Kibera is the biggest slum in Africa. By 2050, one in three people will live in slums. This video will examine the daily life of four children.

Life in Kibera (06:47)
Violence is common in the chaotic slum. Nasuru and his cousin attend a church-run preschool. Children adopt coping mechanisms such as over-interpreting a threat. Natasha will most likely suffer from cognitive, language, and social skills issues.

Brain Development (05:19)
The first five years are important. Children need social contact and early language development. Neglected children like Natasha experience higher rates of petty crime, teenage pregnancy, and violence. African traditions conflict with Western ideals in play and preschool.

Child Education (08:35)
State primary schools are free, but preschools are organized by churches, community groups, and parents. Drunks and thieves influence children who do not attend school. Patience and Nasaru help with chores; their mothers discuss how the school has changed their children.

Cultural Differences (03:45)
Sarah Eisenhut discusses Western ideals and African traditions; mothers are ambitious. Providing better stimulation, health, and nutrition during early development is a good investment in a child's future.

Credits: Kibera Kids: Early Life (00:30)
Credits: Kibera Kids: Early Life

Length: 28 minutes

Copyright Date: 2009

Kibera Kids: Early Life



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