Zoom Portraits in Human Sexuality: Medical Issues Part of the Series : Portraits in Human Sexuality

Portraits in Human Sexuality: Medical Issues Part of the Series : Portraits in Human Sexuality

SKU: BVL36013

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Is sexuality an unavoidable casualty of physical disability or of surgery that significantly restructures intimate parts of the body? In this program, a man with a spinal cord injury, a woman with breast cancer who had a skin-saving mastectomy and reconstructive surgery, and a transsexual woman who underwent sex reassignment surgery discuss ways in which sexual expression has changed since their life-altering events. Perspectives from their significant others are elicited as well. Contains clinically explicit language and illustrations.

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Sexual Capacities After Spinal Cord Injury (05:56)
With loss of sensation in all four limbs resulting from a spinal cord injury, Mark discusses his capacity for physical sensations, ability to have an erection, and difficulty achieving ejaculation.

Impact of Physical Disability on Relationships (03:46)
Mark describes how sexual expression changes with a physical disability, requiring a higher level of communication with one's partner. Mark's partner, Jennifer, discusses how Mark's wheelchair affects their relationship and sexuality.

Developing a Sexual Relationship Despite Physical Limitations (02:41)
Quadriplegic, Mark, and his girlfriend, Jennifer, describe how Mark's optimism and sense of humor helped ease the awkwardness of their first sexual encounter.

Fighting Preconceived Notions About Transexualism (05:51)
Denise revealed to her husband that she was a transsexual when they first began dating, before sexual reassignment surgery. Now married for nine years with two adopted children, Denise does not always disclose being transgendered.

Life After Sexual Reassignment Surgery (02:58)
For male transsexuals sex reassignment surgery involves both a genital surgery and a labiaplasty. Now legally a female in Colorado, Denise and her husband are happy with the results of her surgeries.

Breast Cancer and Reconstruction (03:50)
After a mammogram detected breast cancer, Carol underwent a skin-saving mastectomy and trans-flap reconstructive surgery, which uses abdominal tissue to rebuild the breast.

Sexuality After Breast Reconstruction (05:22)
Despite loss of nipple sensation, Carol and her husband feel that her mastectomy and reconstructive surgery was successful. Returning to sexual intimacy has involved both becoming comfortable with Carol's reconstructed breast.

Surviving Cancer in a Long-Term Relationship (02:28)
With three generations of breast cancer in the family Carol's daughter will also need to monitor her breasts carefully. Carol's husband became actively involved with her cancer treatment and remains a source of on-going support.

Length: 37 minutes

Copyright Date: 2006

Portraits in Human Sexuality: Medical Issues Part of the Series : Portraits in Human Sexuality



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