Checklists are a great way to help beginning learners or special needs learners self correct and begin the journey towards working independently. Checklists can help set up students to eventually use full fledged rubrics to guide their work.
Checklists are especially helpful for special needs students with learning disabilities. They provide support for these students to access the general education curriculum. They also provide a regular mechanism for students to regularly see and monitor their progress over time.
Using a checklist, can be highly motivating for special needs students. Many have excessive experience with low achievement and failure. Being able to regularly view progress can help build up intrinsic motivation.
The checklists I use generally have a maximum of five check off areas. The areas include the student's most urgent need at the moment. As students progress, I change up the checklist to reflect the new skill the student is working on.
Here is a checklist that I have used with my special needs students.
In Learning,
Charles Mathison
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