Throughout my years of teaching, the creation of graphic organizers has been an indispensable tool for me to help my students understand and organize content and their thinking. As I continue to teach and the needs of my students change, I can't always rely on the same tool I created. I often have to tweak them or create brand new ones to help me meet the student at their precise academic level How do I do it?
1. I examine my students' work carefully.
2. I determine the student needs.
3. I pinpoint the the exact moment when struggle occurs with the student and create tools to deal with that specific issue.
4. I try out the graphic organizer to see if it helps. If it doesn't, I tweak it until it works.
5. When I am ready to move on to the next topic with the student, I use past student performance on the graphic organizer to determine if I should create another tool ahead of presenting the new content.
6. Have your student do lots of practice!
I always remind myself that "something has to work." The law of averages cannot be that everything won't work all the time.
Here is a link to some of my books that are made in the graphic organizer format.
Written by Charles Mathison
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