Higher Stakes: The Consequences of High School Harassment, Grades 9–12 DVD
Helping Them Flourish DVD
Handling Peer Pressure DVD
Growing Up
Grasping DVD
Girls: Entering the Teen Years DVD
Flesh and Blood: Sibling Rivalry DVD
First Steps: How Babies Become Toddlers DVD
Firm Foundations for Early Literacy: 0 to 5 Years DVD
Feel Good about Failure: The Dark Side of Self-Esteem Classes DVD
Fear and Danger DVD
Feeding DVD
Exploratory Play: 7 Months to 3 Years DVD
Event and Time Sampling: Observation Technique DVD
Emerging Communication Skills DVD
Early Socialization: From Birth to Age Two DVD
Early Life DVD Series
Do Parents Matter? Judith Harris on the Power of Peers DVD
Adoption-Specific Therapy in Practice, DVD
Evidence-Based Treatment for Anxiety Problems: Cognitive–Behavioral Strategies, DVD
School-Based Behavioral and Academic Strategies for Students with ADHD, DVD
ACTION: Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Depressed Youth and Their Parents, DVD
Intervention with Aggressive Children: The Coping Power Program, DVD
ADHD and Mania: Bridging Research and Practice, DVD
Adolescents, Anxiety, and the Tasks of Development, DVD
Time Out for Positive Reinforcement for Children with ADHD, DVD
When Children Refuse School: A Prescriptive Treatment Approach, DVD
Understanding the Defiant Child, DVD
Managing the Defiant Child: A Guide to Parent Training, DVD
ADHD in the Classroom: Strategies for Teachers DVD, by Russell A. Barkley
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